Wishart Producer Gas Unit
High Speeds Attained
Printed in The Mail, Adelaide, Australia, Saturday 29 June 1940
A recent issue of the Sydney ‘Daily Telegraph’ reports particulars of a fast trip between Melbourne and Sydney. A Pontiac car with two passengers and a “Wishart” Producer Gas Unit covered the 569 miles in record time. It reached a maximum speed of 72 mph, the total fuel cost of 6/9 for each passenger. The journey time under 16 hours – setting a new record for the fastest travel time between Melbourne and Sydney! The two travelers on board experienced something unique and demonstrated how efficient gas-powered transportation could be.
Wishart Gas Producer Unit on Trucks
The experience of W. L. Sides & Son Ltd., a well-known Artesian Well Boring Contractor, indicates the commercial value of Producer Gas. This concern has a 30 cwt. Truck, usually loaded with two tons and drawing a 5-ton trailer load on a daily average of 100 miles. Mr. Sides states that the average truck driver understands and operates the unit. It only requires five minutes each morning to clean out and recharge with fuel and water. The unit has already covered over 25,000 miles, with an enormous saving in running costs.
Mr. Andrew Wishart recently visited Adelaide for several weeks, supervising installations at South Australian and West Australian (also Broken Hill) Manufacturing Distributors for the Wishart Producer Gas Unit (Horwood Bagshaw Ltd.). Moreover, it cost 10 shillings and sixpence for the return trip home to Melbourne.
The ‘Wishart’ Unit requires no fire clay furnace lining and is built up in a one-piece unit, galvanized inside and outside. As a result, this eliminates corrosion from gas or water and maintains a leadership established throughout the eastern States over the past five years.
Recent Adelaide deliveries include units to Harris Scarfe Limited and Clarkson Limited. Moreover, several units are provided to the SA Government Engineering and Water Supply Department. Subsequently, clients say it pays to purchase a unit with an established reputation for simplicity, economy, accessibility, and long life. Additionally, Horwood Bagshaw Limited, of 78 Currie Street Adelaide, will be glad to furnish full details of Wishart Producer Gas Unit or to arrange a test with their Demonstrator Truck for any interested reader.”

Advert from the Barrier Miner, Broken Hill, NSW Australia on Saturday 13 June 1942.