Academic Papers
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1900 -1949
Activated Carbon Patent 325Kb, May 1925, United States Patent Office.
Gasifier For Damp Fuel 1945, Kyrklund, H., from Teknisk Tidskrift, Finland.
Gasifier Efficiency (5.5Mb) December 1941, Hubendick, E. published inTeknisk Tidskrift, English translation in 2000 by Joacim Persson.
German Ideas on Improvements of Gasifiers (9.1Mb) September 1941, Lutz, H., summary in Teknisk Tidskrift, English translation in 2000 by Joacim Persson.
Producer Gas Vehicles, March 1938, Woods, M.W., Transactions of The Institution Vol XIX.
1950 – 1999
Air Gasification of Wood Chips in a Downdraft Gasifier 1985, Chia Shian Lee, Master’s Thesis, University of Florida.
Alternative Fuels For Light Vehicles (140 pages 4.7Mb) 1990, Replacing Gasoline, U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Washington, DC: U.S.
Biomass Gasifier Tars: Their Nature, Formation, and Conversion, 1998, Milne, T.A. and Evans, R.J., National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado, USA.
European Biomass Gasification Technology to China, c1998, China-EU Energy Working Group. A report on the study visit to China including particular reference to the two main opportunities identified: A biomass fed village fuel gas system and electricity generation from rice husks by gasification or combustion.
Five-kilowatt wood gasifier technology: Evolution and field experience, March 1990, Dasappa, S. et al., S~dhanh, Vol. 14, Part 3, December 1989, pp. 187-212
Superficial Velocity the Key to Downdraft Gasification, August 1999, Reed, T.B., Walt, R., Ellis, S., Das, A. and Deutch, S., Presented at 4th Biomass Conference of the Americas; Oakland, CA.
2000 -2004
Biomass Gasification: Clean Residential Stoves, Commercial Power Generation, and Global Impacts (13 pgs, 530kb) Nov 2004, Anderson, P.S. and Reed, B., Biomass Energy Foundation, USA.
Diesel Engine Power After Gas Conversion, c2001, Dasappa, S., ASTRA Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Development of Producer Gas Engines, c2003, Sridhar, G. et al., Combustion Gasification and Propulsion Laboratory, Dept of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, India.
Development of a Smale-scale Biomass CHP System, 32 pages published in 2002 Sustainable Energy Ltd., United Kingdom, G.J. Gallagher.
Evaluation of a Downdraft Wood Gasifier for Tea Manufacturing in Sri Lanka, March 2002, Jayah, T.H., thesis submitted for degree of Masters Research, University of Melbourne, Australia.
2005 – 2006
Clean Heat and Power Using Biomass Gasification for Industrial and Agricultural Projects (64 pages 516Kbs) 2009, Roos, C.J., WSU Extension Energy Program, Northwest CHP Application Center, USA.
Design Parameters for Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier Reactor, May 2006, Jain, A.K., Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal, Manuscript EE 05 012. Vol VIII.
Modeling for Control of a Biomass Gasifier, January 2005, Paes, T., Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Operation and modelling of an updraft long-stick wood gasifier , December 2005, Saravanakumar, A., Haridasan, T.M., Reed, T.B., and Bai R.K., Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume IX No.4.
Review of Energy Conversion Devices, May 2005, Enea, E.S. and Barker, N. IEA Bioenergy Agreement, Task 33: Thermal Gasification of Biomass (2001-2003).
Design and development of a 20 kW cleaning and cooling system for a wood-chip gasifier, November 2006, Mandwe, D.S., Gadge, S.R., Dubey, A.K. and Khambalkar, V.P., Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, Vol 17, No 4.
2007 – 2009
Biomass Gasification – State of the Art Description (91pgs, 3.6Mbs) December 2007, Lettner, F. et al., Graz University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Engineering, Graz, Austria.
Performance and Characteristics of a Cyclone Gasifier for Gasification of Sawdust, 2008, Miskan, M.A. et al., Journal of Applied Sciences 8 (1), ppgs 95-103.
Performance and cost analysis of future, commercially mature gasification-based electric power generation from switchgrass, January 2009, Haiming, J. et al., Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Performance of a Portable Downdraft Gasifier, January 2007, Powell, J.J., et al., Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, College Station, Texas.
Producer Gas Engines: Proponent of Clean Energy Technology, May 2007, Dasappa, S. et al., 15th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany.
Use of Biomass Gasification for Transport, 2009, Rudakova, I., Master’s degree programme in Bioenergy technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland.
Development of the MILENA gasification technology for the production of Bio-SNG, December 2010, van der Meijden. D.M., Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands.
Facts About Producer Gas Engines 2010, Sridhar, G. et al., Paths to Sustainable Energy, Siemens Corporate Research and Technologies, Bangalore, India.
Gasification Processes Old and New: 25 pages, Published 2010. A basic review of the major technologies. A single source document that reviews historical development and compares the process to combustion.
Grass For Power Generation Extending the Fuel Flexibility for IGCC Power Plants, 2010, Judex, J.W., dissertation for Doctor of Sciences, Eth Zurich, Germany.
Study of the Behaviour of a Catalytic Ceramic Candle Filter in a Lab-Scale Unit at High Temperatures, 2010, Simeone, E. et al., International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering Vol. 8 [2010], Article A11.
Syngas Treatment Unit for Small Scale Gasification,:Application to IC Engine Gas Quality Requirement, 2010, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, L.C. Laurence and D. Ashenafi.
Tar removal from low-temperature gasifiers, April 2010, Robin Zwart, et. al., ERA-NET Bioenergy project.
Biomass gasification in small scale plants: experimental and modelling analysis, 2011 Elisa Pieratti, Doctoral thesis, University of Trento, Italy.
Strategies for Tar Reduction in Fuel-Gases and Synthesis-Gases from Biomass Gasification, 2011, Neubauer, N., Journal of Sustainable Energy & Environment Special Issue (2011) 67-71.
Torrefaction – A Review on Biomass Torrefaction Process and Product Properties for Energy Applications, October 2011, Tumuluru, J.S., Sokhansanj, S., Hess, J.R., Wright, C.T. and Boardman, R.D., Industrial Biotechnology, Vol 7, No.5.
Biomass Gasification: The East African Study, Working Paper June 2012, Prepared for the PISCES by Practical Action Consulting.
Design and development of downdraft gasifier for operating CI engine on dual fuel mode, May 2012, Shrivastava, V., thesis submitted for Master of Technology In Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Rourkela National Institute of Technology, Orissa, India.
Design and Development of Downdraft Gasifier for Rural Area, 2012, Moharkar, S.P. and Padole, P.D., International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Technology for Rural Area (EFITRA).
A Novel Hybrid Compact Filter System for a Down-draft Gasifier: An experimental study, November 2013, Ramasamy, R. et. al., Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol72, pp. 663-668.
Gasification of Different Tropical Plant-based Biomass Materials, Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 2013. Corresponding author: Shaharin A Sulaiman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Teknologi, Petronas, Malayasia.
Design and Development of Down Draft Wood Gasifier (10kW), 2013, Sivakumar. S et al., International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IJME) Vol. 2, Issue 2, May 2013, 1-10.
Performance Evaluation of Downdraft Gasifier for Generation of Engine Quality Gas, 2013, Kumar, A. and Raj Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, YMCA University of Science & Technology, India.
Practical Experience with Woody Biomass in a Down-Draft Gasifier, 2013, Wolff, D. et al., Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2013, 2, 47-52.
Reactive Hot Gas Filter for Biomass Gasification , 2013, Rhyner, U., dissertation submitted to Eth Zurich for the degree of Doctor of Sciences, Switzerland.
Biomass Gasification, 2014, Rajvanshi, A.K., Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, Maharashtra, India.
Chemical looping gasification of biomass in a 10 kWth interconnected fluidized bed reactor using Fe2O3/Al2O3 oxygen carrier , August 2014, Huseyin, S., eta al., Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, Vol.42, No.8.
Energy Crop Gasification ND, Bricka, R.M., Agricultural Biofuels: Technology, Sustainability and Profitability, USA.
Experimental Gasification of Biomass in an Updraft Gasifier with External Recirculation of Pyrolysis Gases, 2014, Surjosatyo, A. et al., Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Combustion Volume 2014, Article ID 832989.
Performance Assessment of an Allothermal Auger Gasification System for On-Farm Grain Drying, March 2014 Sadaka, A. et al., Scientific Research, Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 4, 19-32.
Performance Studies on Downdraft Gasifier with Biomass Energy Sources Available in Remote Villages, 2014, ChristusJeya Singh, V. et al., American Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (4): 611-622, 2014.
Rice husk gasification for electricity generation in Cambodia, Hong Nam Nguyen, Minh Ha-Duong, in December 2014. [Research Report] Universit´e de Sciences et Technologies de Hanoi.
Quantification of Tars, Particulates, and Higher Heating Values in Gases Produced from a Biomass Gasifier, 2014, Akudo, C.A. and Chandra S. Theegala, BioResources 9(3).
Technical Challenges of Utilizing Biomass Gasification Gas for Power Generation: An Overview, 2014, Mohammad Asadullah, Journal of Catalyst & Polymer Research .
Trends of Syngas as a Fuel in Internal Combustion Engines, 2014, Hagos, F.Y., Aziz, A.R. and Sulaiman, S.A., Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Mechanical Engineering Volume 2014, Article ID 401587.
Wood Gas from the Suction Gasifier: A Practical Investigation , 2014, Faith, L. et al., International Journal of Research in Applied Sciences, 03 (2014) 22-28
Mathematical modeling of the fixed-bed staged biomass gasification process, Donskoy et al. Renewable Bioresources 2016.
Modeling and Assessment of a Biomass Gasification Integrated System for Multigeneration Purpose, S. Khanmohammadi et al, Hindawi Publishing Corporation
International Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 2016.
The Potential Application of Gasification for Biomass Power Generation in Isolated Area from National Electricity Company in Indonesia, Kiman Siregar Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (Part – 4) January 2016, pp.09-16
2022 Academic Papers
Design and experimental tests of an Imbert type downdraft gasifier prototype and clean-up system for small-scale biomass-based power generation, Miguel Mendonça et al., Renew. Energy Environ. Sustain. 7, 10 (2022)

source: Use of Biomass Gasification For Transport