Gasifier Books pre 1920s
All the titles below are links to a range of books that are now quite dated but are of interest for research purposes. Some of the file sizes are quite large, so please look at the file size to estimate how long a download might take. To download, simply right-click and ‘save as’ to your computer.
Download Gasifier Books pre 1920s
Chemistry of Gas Manufacture A Practical Handbook (314 pgs, 36.2Mb) 1904, Butterfield, W.J.A., Charles Griffin and Company Limited, London.
Power Gas Producers Their Design and Application (276 pgs, 7.8 Mb) 1908, Robson, P.W., Edward Arnold, London.
Producer Gas Fourth Edition (392pgs, 10.8Mb) 1920, Dowson, J.E. and Larter, A.T., Longmans, Green and Co., London.
Gas Engines and Producer Gas Plans (328 pages, 60Mb large file size) 1905, Mathot, R.E., Norman W. Henley Publishing Company, New York.
Gas and Oil Engines and Gas Producers (168 pages, 29.8Mb) 1908, Mark, L.S., and Wyer, S.S., American School of Correspondence, Chicago.
Handbook for Charcoal Burners (252pgs, 26Mb) 1875, Svedelius, G., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Heat Energy and Fuels Pyrometry, Combustion, Analysis of Fuels and Manufacture of Charcoal, Coke and Fuel Gases (324pgs, 50Mb large file size) 1908, Juptner, H., trans by Oskar Nagel, McGraw Publishing Company, New York.
Modern Gas Engine and the Gas Producer (530pgs, 24.7Mb) 1910, Levin, M.E., John Wiley & Sons, London.
Modern Gas Producer Practice and Applications A practical treatise dealing with the gasification of various classes of fuels by the pressure and suction systems producer (352 pgs, 33.5Mb) 1908, Allen, H., D. Van Nostrand Company, New Yook.
Producer Gas The Properties, Manufacture and Uses of Gaseous Fuel (250pgs, 28.2Mb) c1905, Sexton, A.H., The Scientific Publishing Company, Manchester, London.
Self instruction for Students in Gas Manufacture (168pgs, 16.8mb) No date, Taylor, J.T., The Gas World, London.
Study of a Suction Gas Producer (94pgs, 3.4Mb) 1906, Hoffman, B., Thesis for the Degree of BSc in Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.
A Treatise on Producer-gas and Gas-producers (316pgs, 51.5Mb) 1906, Wyer, S.S. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
The Works’ Managers Handbook on Rules and Data (496 pgs, 42Mb) 1886, Hutton, W.S., Crosby Lockwood and Co., London.
American Gas producer Practice and Industrial Gas Engineering (578pgs, 77.3Mb large file size) 1910, Latta, N., The Scientific Press, Robert Drummond and Company, New York.
Test of a 400hp Gas Producer (242pgs, 6.8Mb) 1909, Boblett, K.M., and Boughton, N.J., Armour Institute of Technology.
Test of a 25hp type “E” Smith Anthracite Suction Gas Producer (130pgs, 3.2Mb) 1913, Brown, P.K., Wald, M.D. and Wintercorn, J., Armour Institute of Technology.

Wood Gas Engine
Image: Power Gas Producers, Design and Application, page 19.