International Harvester Gasifier Truck
International Harvester gasifier truck, K5 Motor Truck & GL-305 Gas Producer Unit, 1941

The International Harvester Company of America formed in 1902 as a merger of five big American agricultural machinery manufacturers. This included the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, Deering Harvester Company, Plano Manufacturing Company, Milwaukee Harvesting Machine Company and Warder, Bushnell & Glessner. In 1904 an Australian subsidiary was established to manage Australian distribution and sales of International Harvester products. It quickly became a major competitor to local manufacturers like H.V. McKay’s Sunshine Harvester Works, with its superior quality products being used across the country for many years to come.
In 1906 the company launched its first tractor, the Mogul 8-16 which had a 16hp engine and steel wheels that weighed nearly two tons. Its popularity quickly spread throughout the United States, with it becoming widely used by farmers for ploughing and other types of field work. The company also introduced other advances in farming machinery such as self-propelled combine harvesters and rotary mowers in order to make farm operations more efficient and productive.
Over time, International Harvester became one of the largest corporations in the world producing farming materials such as tractors, combines, hay balers and threshing machines amongst others. They employed thousands of people around the world at its factories located in numerous countries including Australia and New Zealand. The company also invested heavily in research and development activities to ensure their products kept up with industry standards.
International Harvester’s domination of the market came to an end in 1982 when they merged with Tenneco Inc. This formed Case IH which is still a leading manufacturer of agriculture equipment today. Sadly International Harvester has long since ceased production under that name brand. However their legacy lives on through continued production of their iconic products by Case IH. In addition to other companies who manufacture similar items based on International Harvester designs from decades ago.

International Harvester, GL-300 Gas Producer & D30 Truck, 194. Look over some of the Victorian museum image collection.
Also check of the page on an old truck that runs on charcoal.